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与此同时,商业和政府的腐败也让北方从南方的问题上分心。像康克林和布莱恩这样的破坏者,是那些不公正地对他们的支持者显示赞助的政客。信用Mobilier丑闻引起了政府的注意。他们一直在给国会议员们提供股票,这样他们就不会去调查他们从政府资助的横跨大陆的铁路上获得的利润。另一桩丑闻涉及杰伊·古尔德和詹姆斯·布莱恩,他和格兰特的妹夫企图垄断黄金市场。他们被发现了,但布莱恩已经用自己的利润逃脱了。美国怀俄明论文代写:显示赞助的政客这个威士忌团伙涉及联邦特工与酒类公司合谋从政府那里征收数百万税款。其中一个人威廉·特威德(William Tweed)可能从他从纳税人那里偷来的钱中获利最多。他是许多计划帮助自己获得大量贪污的人。直到《纽约时报》(New York Times)的一位漫画家托马斯·纳斯特(Thomas Nast)揭露了他并导致他被捕,他才成功。最终,新总统卢瑟福德·b·海斯同意妥协。1877年的妥协主要是为了结束对南方共和党人的支持,并建立一条横贯大陆的铁路。最终,海斯撤回了保护自由人的军队,最高法院废除了保护黑人不受歧视的重建法律。
Simultaneously, there was the corruption in business and government that was distracting the North from the issues in the South. Spoilsmen, such as Conklin and Blaine, were politicians who unfairly displayed patronage on their supporters. The Credit Mobilier scandal was brought to the attention of the government. They had been giving stock to members of Congress so that they wouldn't investigate the profit they were making from government funding for the transcontinental railroad they were building. Another scandal involved Jay Gould and James Blaine who along with Grant's brother-in-law attempted to corner the gold market. They were discovered but Blaine had already gotten away with his own profits. The Whiskey Ring involved federal agents conspiring with liquor companies to take millions of taxes from the government. One man, William Tweed, may have profited the most from the money he stole from taxpayers. He was the one behind many plans to help himself to large quantities of graft. He was successful until a cartoonist from the New York Times, Thomas Nast, exposed him and led to his arrest. In time, the new president, Rutherford B. Hayes, agreed to a compromise. The Compromise of 1877 was mainly to end the support for Republicans in the South and to build a transcontinental railroad. Eventually Hayes withdrew the troops that were protecting the freedmen, and the Supreme Court repealed the Reconstruction laws that protected the blacks from being discriminated against.

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