
更传统的品牌和广告的方法也可以在文献中发现,这突出了许多问题,现代品牌和它已经实施的方式在20世纪80年代和90年代不得不面对。Martin Lindstrom品牌的儿童(2003)着眼于如何成功地充斥市场。什么是特别重要的是明显的困难,目前所面临的采用这种剥削模式在后现代语境。品牌“数字时代的Richard Gerstman和Herbert M. Meyers(2001)着眼在开发一个连贯的品牌战略在一个世界里,不同的消息不断地争夺注意力的特殊困难。“在上世纪90年代,品牌建设”的史提芬京(1991)着眼于更传统的方法,并提供了一个很好的系列假设聚集程度,现代的品牌技术已经改变。更一般的社会学著作,看品牌对城市空间的影响包括城市夜景:青年文化、娱乐场所和企业的力量由Paul Chatterton和罗伯特(2003)荷兰。在这本书中,城市的夜生活以及它已经公司化和品牌看,和的影响,这对各种反文化经营和妨碍某些文化和后现代消费群体的派系。戴维·米勒和Gill Hubbard(2005)的《格拉斯哥与全球化》着眼于企业品牌对发达国家最贫穷的城市之一的影响,从一个模糊的世界末日,新的左派观点。最后,retailisation:这里,那里,到处都是由Francesca De Chatel和Robin Hunt零售(2003)详细的“老顽童”理发师的理论和批评和比较各种社会学关于什么是品牌和企业形象发生。
More conventional approaches to branding and advertising can also be found in literature, which highlight many of the problems that modern branding and the ways in which it has been implemented in the 1980s and 1990s has to face. Brand Child by Martin Lindstrom (2003) looks at how to market successfully to tweens. What is of particular importance here is the apparent difficulties that are currently faced when adopting this exploitative model in a postmodern context. Branding @ The Digital Age by Richard Gerstman and Herbert M. Meyers (2001) looks at the particular difficulties involved when developing a coherent branding strategy in a world where differing messages constantly compete for attention. “Brand Building in the 1990s” by Stephen King (1991) looks at the more traditional approaches, and offers a good series of assumptions to gather the extent to which modern branding techniques have altered.More general sociological works that look at the effects of branding on urban spaces include Urban Nightscapes: Youth Cultures, Pleasure Spaces and Corporate Powers by Paul Chatterton and Robert Hollands (2003). In this book, urban nightlife and the ways in which it has been corporatized and branded are looked at, and the effects that this has on the various countercultures which operate and impede certain cultures and factions of postmodern consumer groups. “Glasgow and Globalisation” by David Miller and Gill Hubbard (2005) looks at the effects of corporate branding on one of the most impoverished cities in the developed world, from a vaguely apocalyptic, New Left point of view. Finally, Retailisation: The Here, There and Everywhere of Retail by Francesca De Chatel and Robin Hunt (2003) looks in detail at Barber’s theories of the ‘kidult’, and critiques and compares the various sociological opinions on what is happening with branding and corporate identity.