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特朗普的政策有赢家也有输家。根据Milne(2016),制药行业如Pfizez、石油天然气公司如Continental Resources等都将受益于特朗普基于其竞选的战略。然而,U。美国的汽车制造商将生产转移到美国以外。预计通用汽车、凯迪拉克、福特和日本汽车制造商等美国企业将受到汇率定价策略的影响。此外,零售商和消费者将受到重大影响,因为他的政策将影响他们的支出、贸易协议和供应链;可能会破坏美国和欧洲之间的跨境贸易。综上所述,通过征税和关税,标准化成为了世界最大市场的适应,而以国内为导向的战略影响了营销人员在这个市场上放置和推广产品的方式,暗示了营销组合的变化。此外,U。S会影响国际公司对这个市场的营销策略,也会对新公司的潜在进入造成压力。外国直接投资现在是一种风险。通过实施新的法规和贸易协议,跨国公司将发现他们在美国的分销费用有所增加。影响他们的利润。为了使这些公司在这个市场上生存,他们将不得不提高价格,这将导致其产品的消费减少,因为本国人将会被价格更低的国内替代品所吸引,从而可能失去他们的竞争优势(Milne, 2016)。然而,为了维持或尽量减少他们的利润下降,公司将会尝试与美国谈判。在最坏的情况下,它们将付出高昂的代价,重新安排活动,放弃这个市场。
There are winners and losers of Trump’s policies. In accordance to Milne (2016), pharmaceuticals such as Pfizez, oil & gas companies like Continental Resources are among the sectors that will benefit from Trump’s strategies based on his campaign. However, U.S carmakers who place their production outside the U.S such as GM, Cadillac, Ford and Japanese carmakers, are expected to be affected by the pricing strategies to foreign exchange rates. Furthermore, retailers and consumers will have a significant impact, since his policies will affect their expenses, trade agreement and supply chain; ‘could destroy the cross-border trade between the U.S and Mexico in high fructose corn syrup’ To conclude, by imposing taxes and tariffs, standardization becomes adaption in the biggest world market and the domestically-oriented strategy affect the way marketers place and promote products in this market, insinuating changes in the marketing mix. Moreover, the U.S will affect the marketing strategy of international companies towards this market and they will put pressure to the potential entry of new companies. FDI is now a risk. By implementing new regulations and trades agreements international companies will observe a rise in their distribution expenses towards the U.S, affecting their margin. In order for these companies to survive in this market, they will have to increase prices which will pose a reduction to the consumption of their products, since natives will be attracted by domestic substitutes with lower prices, resulting in a possible loss of their competitive advantage (Milne, 2016). However, in order to maintain or minimize their profit decline, companies will either try to negotiate with the U.S on their trading terms or in the worst-case scenario, costly relocate their activities and abandon this market.

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