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在特斯拉官方的员工沟通政策中,埃隆·马斯克表示:“在特斯拉,任何人都可以,也应该根据他们认为解决问题的最快方式,给其他人发邮件/谈话,以造福整个公司。”“公司鼓励员工积极参与,以尽可能高效的方式解决任何问题。如图1.1所示,特斯拉公司将其营销部门称为“全球销售和服务”。由于公司业务范围广泛,特斯拉将it营销部门按地理区域进行划分:北美、中国、挪威等。中国的加入代表了特斯拉最近在中国上海的制造扩张。营销组织结构的整体扁平化、集中化、功能化,与之相适应。特斯拉公司的目标市场近年来发生了巨大的变化。2017年之前,特斯拉明确表示,其主要和次要目标市场是专属市场。在初级阶段,特斯拉的直接目标客户是年龄较大的中上层阶级男性,他们的收入在10万至35万美元之间,对价格实惠、安全性能高的豪华车有着强烈的渴望。此外,还必须考虑天然气消耗和经济价值的因素。在二级目标市场,特斯拉的目标是吸引那些还买不起豪车的人群:上名牌大学的年轻男大学生,他们在不久的将来很有可能成为高薪的专业人士。然而,特斯拉公司已经扩大了它的目标市场,包括一个更广泛和多样化的目标市场。这反映在两款最新车型的推出上:Model X和Model 3。Model X是一款7座的SUV,它代表着一种更注重家庭的吸引力的转变,尤其是对妇女和儿童的吸引力。Model 3侧重于低收入阶层,起价远低于其他特斯拉车型。这一较低的车型价格代表了特斯拉的目标市场从年长的富有男性转向年轻的中等收入的成年人,无论男女。
In Tesla’s official communication policy to employees, Elon Musk states, “Anyone at Tesla can and should email/talk to anyone else according to what they think is the fastest way to solve a problem for the benefit of the whole company.” Employees are encouraged to have a participative role in the company in an attempt to resolve any issue in the most efficient and —- manner possible. As seen in Figure 1.1, Tesla Inc. refers to its marketing division as “Global Sales and Service”. Due to the wide scope off the company, Tesla divides it marketing division by geographic region: North America, China, Norway, and Other. The inclusion of China represents Tesla’s recent manufacturing expansion in Shanghai, China. The marketing organization structure follows suit if its overall flat, centralized, functional organizational structure. The target market of Tesla Inc. has shifted drastically in recent years. Prior to 2017, Tesla made it clear that its primary and secondary target markets were for exclusive market demographics. On the primary level, Tesla’s directly targeted older upper middle class males between $100,000 and $350,000) with a strong desire for an affordable luxury car with high safety value. In addition, the factor of being concerned about gas consumption and economic value must also be considered. In respects to the secondary target market, Tesla aimed to appeal to a demographic that could not yet afford their luxury vehicles: young male college students who attend prestigious universities, who hold strong likelihood of having a high-paying specialized profession in the near future. However, Tesla Inc. has expanded its target market to include a much wider and diverse target market. This is reflected in the introduction of the two newest models: the Model X and the Model 3. The Model X, a seven-seat SUV, represents the shift towards a more family-oriented appeal, especially towards women and children. The Model 3 focuses on lower income brackets, having a starting price considerably less than other Tesla models. This lower model price represents Tesla’s shift in target market from older wealthy males to younger middle income adults of both genders.

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