The qualitative study incorporates two research designs. The first will be a focus group and the second will involve semi-structured in-depth interviews. The focus group is intended to collect data from educational professionals on the manifestation and policies adopted across the three school categories on truancy and school absenteeism. Identified participants for this focus group includes subject teachers, P.S.D. teachers, guidance teachers and one youth worker who is employed on a part-time basis by the Directorate of Educational Services. The interview schedule for the focus group is here presented in Appendix 2.The semi-structured in-depth interviews were carried out with a Head of School and a Counsellor from the guidance and counselling unit. The interview schedule for these interviews was developed from the literature review carried out in chapter 2, the data obtained from the quantitative study and the feedback obtained from the focus group. These interviews are intended to back up the quantitative analysis and to provide additional insight on current practices and strategies adopted to combat school truancy and absenteeism (See Appendix 3).