
The next stanza continues extending and brushing the canvas by the verse, “Next morning they turned up again, no worse for the cyanide than we for our cigarettes and state-store Scotch, all of us up to scratch” (Kumin 8). By this time the readers start to sense the feeling of the hatred in the speakers mind and his/her mental situation related to woodchucks. Kumin makes use of some alliteration to highlight the words cyanide and cigarettes. “They brought down the marigolds as a matter of course and then took over the vegetable patch nipping the broccoli shoots, beheading the carrots” (Kumin 8). The later statements in this stanza exemplify the hatred growing inside the speaker due to the menace caused by the woodchucks in his/her yard. Speaker’s murderous thoughts are very evident especially when the carrots are referenced as being “beheaded”. The transition from this stanza to the third is comparatively smoother as the feeling of hatred has already evolved and this feeling is getting amplified in the third. In this third stanza the speaker has finally opened up and rolled up his/her sleeves with the immense hatred and vengeance, and this is unavoidable to be noticed by the reader. “The food from our mouths, I said, righteously thrilling to the feel of the .22, the bullets’ neat noses” (Kumin 8). The speaker, now mentioned as killer takes a moment to express his/her grief on his/her plan of action. The overall poem goes through two very important shifts, first where the speaker starts as sensitive and then turns into insensitive and then again back to sensitive. And the second, where the speaker starts the inflection in pronouns, impersonal and then turns personal when he/she starts referencing ‘I’ more as compared to ‘we’. This is very clearly evident starting from this third stanza. “I, a lapsed pacifist fallen from grace puffed with Darwinian pieties for killing, now drew a bead on the little woodchuck’s face. He died down in the everbearing roses” (Kumin 8). This stanza can be recognized as another inflection point where the speaker is crossing the borders to enter an uncanny pleasure zone. It is also clear that the speaker has exposed him/herself and the inner side of the speaker is evident which was hidden all along. The speaker seems to be excited and thrilled with the killing. And this thrill again continues in the next stanza as the poem moves forward.