
Diversity in society will always exist it is important to understand that diversity will directly affect the ways in which the members of your work team interact.Educational workers need to have an understanding of diversity, and how the differences in individuals and their ways of life can contribute to work teams, educational outcomes and delivery of services.Diversity awareness means realising that not all people are the same; people have different values, behaviours, and sometimes fundamentally different approaches to life. We all need to be aware of the diversity in our population because awareness and knowledge are the first steps to understanding and making allowance for differences. By being aware you will be able to identify the diverse skills and knowledge of others. Once you have done this you can encourage them to use these qualities to contribute to ensure that organisational goals are achieved.Different groups of people have distinctive worldviews, behaviour and belief patterns, languages and ways of existing and interacting with their environments. They might be entirely opposed to your own worldviews. Yet they have as much right to hold those views as you do to hold your own views. Respect the right of other people to be different.