
此外,马斯洛的需求层次理论是我的教育哲学的核心。我相信,为了教育孩子,首先要从你所提供的环境开始。通过提供一个包含整个基本需求的环境,你需要充分发挥你的潜力,丰富你的学生学习的机会。首先,我觉得创建一个学习环境的需要是学习过程的第一步。通过建立和创造学习环境来满足孩子们的基本需求,他们就会敞开心扉,充分发挥他们的潜能。此外,我觉得通过提供一个有利于学习的安全氛围,我的学生将被鼓励自信、有创造力和独立。首先,根据亚伯拉罕·马斯洛的理论,我将推动整个儿童的发展,无论是在学术上、身体上还是情感上。总之,从亚伯拉罕·马斯洛的研究和理论中得到的教训为我的教育哲学奠定了基础。幼儿园是一个令人兴奋的充满乐趣的旅程,我很幸运能成为其中的一员。这一次,孩子们的世界正在扩展到他们的日常生活之外去拥抱学校。通过使用Maslow教授的课程,我将确保满足所有学生的需求,从而创造自我实现。我在《儿童的生活》一书中的作者提醒我们,那些感到孤独、孤独、疲劳或焦虑的孩子很难学习(Feeney, S)。Moravcik E。诺尔特,S。& Chritensen D。,2010)。说到这里,我永远也不会忘记从一个叫亚伯拉罕·马斯洛的犹太小男孩那里学到的教训。他的生活、思想和研究将永远不仅仅是我的教育哲学的框架,还将为许多其他教育工作者提供一个反思的地方,并将他的理论付诸实践。
Furthermore, Maslow's hierarchy of needs is the center stone of my philosophy on education. I believe that in order to teach a child, it starts first with the environment you provide.By providing an environment that consists of the entire basic needs one requires, to achieve full potential you are enriching your students' opportunities to learn. First and foremost, I feel that the need to create a learning environment is the first step to the learning process. By building and creating learning environments to satisfy the basic needs of the children, they are left to open there minds and reach their fullest potential. Moreover, I feel by providing a safe atmosphere conductive to learning, my students will be encouraged to be confident, creative, and independent. Above all, by basing the structure of my program on Abraham Maslow's theory, I will promote the development of the whole child, academically, physically, and emotionally.In conclusion, the lessons learned from Abraham Maslow's research and theories provide the foundation for my own educational philosophy. Kindergarten is a thrilling fun filled journey, that I am so blessed to be a part of. It is this time that a child's world is expanding outside their everyday norm to embrace school. By using the lessons taught by Maslow, I will be sure to meet all of my student's needs thus creating self-actualization. The authors in Who am I in the lives of children, reminds us that children who feel isolated and alone, tired, or worried have difficulty learning (Feeney, S., Moravcik, E., Nolte, S., & Chritensen, D., 2010). With that being said, I will never forget the lessons learned from a shunned Jewish little boy named Abraham Maslow. His life, thoughts, and research will forever provide not only the framework of my educational philosophy, but will provide many other educators a place to reflect and put his theories into practice in their own classrooms.