
Women Education is necessary because if a women is educated she would be able to empower herself for her rights, fight against discrimination, able to take decision concerning herself, contribute to economic growth of nation, will be able to face all scientific and technological changes and will participate in world politics. In spite of all these knowledge and different programs running at Central and State level the Literacy Growth of female is not up to the mark in Uttar Pradesh as per the rules of National Planning Commission. In India literacy rate is calculated if the person is able to read and write but the actual scenario is totally different because literacy is not just reading and writing but one should be able to understand all perspect. The Literacy rate of females of rural area was 36.90 percent in 2001 and 53.65 percent in 2011 which is low as compared to literacy rate of females in urban areas which was 61.73 percent in 2001 and 69.22 in 2011. Gender Inequality is seen clearly in Uttar Pradesh as per the Census data of 2011 which shows that 77.28 percent of male are literate as compared to female is 57.18 percent.