
要成为一名有效的领导者,护士必须学习某些技能,增强自我意识,了解他们的弱点和长处,这反过来会建立自信(Dierckx de Casterle et al 2008, p. 758)。他们需要成为一个有效的沟通者,激励和倾听,有一个清晰的愿景,但能够灵活地改变与护理人员和组织的愿景(Dierckx de Casterle et al 2008, p. 761)。护理领导可能与特定的活动或行为有关,可能受到组织及其文化的支持和限制,但也有无数的专业文化,所有这些都影响组织的文化(Mullins 2006, p.6)。这涉及到“个人和团体在组织结构中相互作用的方式”(Mullins 2006, p.6)。麦科马克和McCance护士(2006)认为,“提供以人为本的成果,必须采取的先决条件和必要的护理环境,提供有效的护理在护理过程中,“Chiok Foong死胡同(2001,第193页)突出了五个不同的实践护士领导人用来影响性能和组织。这些实践包括挑战过程,激发共同的愿景,使他人能够行动,模仿方式和鼓励心灵(Chiok Foong Loke 2001, p. 193)。Chiok Foong Loke (2001, p. 200)的研究探索了五种领导行为之间的关系,他们的发现表明,管理者应该将这五种领导行为介绍给护理人员,并不断鼓励他们,因为领导是一种可观察和可学习的实践.
To be an effective leader the nurse must learn certain skills, to be more self aware and understand their weakness and strengths, this will in turn build self confidence (Dierckx de Casterle et al 2008, p. 758). They need to become an effective communicator inspiring as well as listening, have a clear vision, but being able to be flexible to change the vision with the nursing staff and the organisation (Dierckx de Casterle et al 2008, p. 761). Leadership within nursing may relate to specific activities or behaviours and may be both supported and limited by the organisation and its culture, but there is also a myriad of professional cultures as well, all of which impact upon the culture of the organisation (Mullins 2006, p.6). This relates to the ways in which “individuals and groups interact within the structure of the organisation” (Mullins 2006, p.6). McCormack and McCance (2006) argue that for nurses “to deliver person-centred outcomes, account must be taken of the prerequisites and the care environment that are necessary for providing effective care through the care processes,” Chiok Foong Loke (2001, p. 193) highlights five distinct practices that leaders use to affect performance in nurses and the organisation. These practices include challenging the process, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, modelling the way and encouraging the heart (Chiok Foong Loke 2001, p. 193). The study conducted by Chiok Foong Loke (2001, p. 200) explored the relationship between the five leadership behaviours, their findings suggests that the five leadership behaviours should be introduced by administrators to nursing staff and constantly encouraged as leadership is an observable and learnable set of practices