
Culturally humans have inherited an ideology that animals live in a world separate to that of their own and the two cannot overlap. The context behind human and non-human interaction is widely discussed and Randy Malamud claims that ‘[t]he relationship between people and nonhuman animals is codified in social culture as hierarchical and fundamentally impermeable.’ This outlines that the issue of marginalizing animals rests with man’s upbringing and such a thought is closed to any change. Smuts presents a biography which seeks to destroy the prejudgment of wild animals through her representation of baboons and comparing them to humans. This is achieved through her discourse associated with human life for example ‘immersion in their society’ which suggests a community within another species and as a result changes readers reception of the biography. The significance of such change is Smuts modification to the definition of a biography changing the assumption that a biography is the discussion of a person’s life. In addition to this, Smuts acknowledges the representation of animals in comparison to humans as she talks of an ancestral right when exploring the natural world. Throughout her biography, Smuts places emphasise on human’s assumption of hierarchy within the natural world which places humans at the top. Through her experience with animals, an overwhelming feeling of ‘regained […] ancestral right to be an animal’[7] highlights the element of familial history between human and primate. The significance of including a relationship between animals and primate which dates back historically, emphasises the connection between the two.