
政治因素对组织和行业的影响会更大,组织的责任是服从。各组织必须遵守执行不符合规定的立法,这可能会对本组织产生严重影响。政府在进口政策上实施了一定的限制。但是,对小规模工业的销售和消费税是免税的。这将使中小企业增加投资,增加新进入者的数量。交通和基础设施的改善不仅在城市,也在农村地区,这将有助于分配网络。技术进步促进生产,提高产品质量和服务给客户。组织开始采用电子商务来改善品牌传播和市场。技术进步使供应链和交易沿着链条简单。组织通过有效的IT技术降低了成本,并提高了信息交易的速度。技术在FMCG se中扮演着关键和重要的角色。
Political factors will have a greater influence on the organization and industry and it is the duty of the organizations to comply with it. It is necessary for the organizations to comply with the legislations implemented non conformance of which may lead to serious implications on the organization. The government has implemented certain restriction in the import policies. However tax exemptions in sales and excise duty are provided for the small scale industries. This will allow the SMEs to invest more and will increase the number of new entrants. Transportation and infrastructure facilities are improving not only in urban but also in the rural area which will help in distribution network.Advancement in technology boost the production with enhancement in quality of products and services rendered to the customers. Organizations began to adopt e-business to improve brand communication and market. Technological advancement makes the supply chain and transactions along the chain simple. Organizations reduced costs with effective IT technologies and increased the rate of information transactions. Technology is playing a key and huge part in the FMCG se