
Elementary education is essential since children are the hope of the future and the vital resource that a nation can have. Therefore, they have to be educated so as create a nation that is focused by having citizens who are able to participate in nation building. Many nations focus on investing in other sectors whereas the elementary education is given minimal attention. This is especially common in developing countries. Consequently, the impact becomes adverse when a nation comprises of a population whose greater percentage is illiterate. Illiteracy is the backbone of many errors that people make due to lack of information. Consequently, a lot of suffering occurs when for instance, people do not know their rights due to ignorance and lack of education. They end up suffering in abusive situations like poor working conditions and relationships. There is also the spread of disease like the HIV and Aids due to high levels of illiteracy. All these can be avoided if people get at least the basic education that will enable to read and get informed