
The most obvious characteristic of playgrounds is that they provide a break from the day's routine. Taking breaks are considered essential for people of all ages and in all fields as it helps increasing the productivity and alertness of the brain. This was supported by the experimental research conducted by [2], as the results found that recall is improved when learning is spaced rather than presented all at once. Moreover, physical activities in playground where supported by [2, 3] to increase fitness, improve attitudes and support learning. Those activities do not only support education, but they also support children's health; by reducing inactivity which is associated with obesity, which causes health problems such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol [2, 3]. Thus, playgrounds play an essential role on children's physical health, and physical health plays an important role in children's education. As a result, providing special physical activities that are suitable for disabled children and accessible for normal children should be considered while carrying out our design project.