
这篇文章将从介绍英国的医疗保健行业开始,这将是这篇文章的重点;以下是对英国银行业和低成本航空业的简要影响。描述了英国脱欧后,由于大多数护士和医生来自欧盟,加入英国医疗行业,医疗行业将如何因失去训练有素的员工而受到巨大影响。此外,本文将分析和识别英国脱欧后跨文化管理的主要影响。从长期来看,英国退欧的三个主要影响将体现在国际人员配备方面,包括“移民”、“重新脱欧”和“劳动力市场”。这三种困难将与英国退欧的长期影响以及对全球人力资源问题的影响联系在一起,这将得到解释和承认这些争议的模型的支持。Brexit这个词已经被媒体广泛使用,是一个用来表示英国退出欧盟的媒体术语。Brexit是由Brexit(英国)和Brexit(退出)两个单词组合而成(James, 2016)。公投向英国公民提出的主要问题是:“英国应该继续留在欧盟还是离开欧盟?””(绿色,2017)。议会给了公众一个选择,让他们决定离开欧盟是否是最好的选择,因为他们知道,公众并不知道英国退欧的长期影响,也不知道它将如何给未来几代人带来挑战。
This essay will start off by an introduction regarding about the UK’s healthcare sector which will be the main focus of the essay; following on with brief implications on the UK banking sector and Low cost Airline industry. Describing how the healthcare sector will be hugely impacted by losing highly trained staff after Brexit, as majority of the nurses and doctors come from the EU to join UK’s healthcare sector. Furthermore this essay will analyse and identify the major impacts of cross culture management after Brexit. The main three effects of Brexit in the long run will be in regards to international staffing which includes: ‘immigration’,‘re-expatriation’ and ‘labour market’. These three difficulties will be linked to the long term impacts of Brexit and on the global staffing issue, this will be backed up with models to interpret and recognise the disputes.The word Brexit has been used throughout media and is a media terminology which has been used to show the exit of UK from EU. ‘Brexit’ has been created by combining two of the initial words of Britain with the word exit (James, 2016). The main question that was brought up to British citizens for the referendum was: “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?” (Green, 2017). The parliament gave the option for the public to decide whether it is best to leave EU, knowing the fact that the general public had no knowledge on the long-term impacts of Brexit and how it will bring challenges for the upcoming generations.