
The question arises, however, as to how streaming videos and DVD rentals can both fit within Netflix’s business definition. There exist scale economies associated with the offering or bundling both of the services, as Netflix’s good relations with the movie studios will help enable it to negotiate better prices for its streaming movies. Much of Netflix’s existing infrastructure, including its award-winning website cited to be one of Netflix’s keys to success, will also apply to streaming movies. The same page that allows one to add a movie to their queue will have a “Watch Now” button allowing the user to begin streaming the movie immediately. Moreover, a substantial proportion of customers who rent movies online will be open to watching streaming movies, as both are ways of watching movies at home. Streaming videos may be used as a way to sift through movies they are considering to watch on DVD. Since these two somewhat different services have a similar consumer base and share benefits in cost structure, they can both be successfully integrated into the same business model. On the downside, however, it should be noted that many of the elements that allowed Netflix to succeed in renting out DVDs via mail, will not carry over to the digital distribution market. For example,superior logistics in mailing out DVDs and processing receieved DVDs will not aid Netflix in addressing bandwidth problems. The business model will have to undergo some changes if Netflix decides to offer a stand-alone streaming plan in the future