
总之,英国学费的上涨已经改变了学生选择进入高等教育的方式,如果是这样的话,高等教育就是这样。威尔金斯、沙姆斯和胡西曼提到,这项研究不是为了政策改革(第137页);然而,它呼吁关注学生在决定进入高等院校时所承受的压力,并使学生认识到学生选择的主要因素。重组本研究的一个重要考虑因素是采用混合方法方法,利用定性和定量方法。没有必要的定性数据,就没有可靠的方法来确定学生为什么选择某一特定的健康指数。如果Wilkins, Shams和Husiman使用一种解释范式和来自讨论组的观察来调查关于增加学费的问题,它将创建一个更全面的学生体验和行为的图片,并用统计数据来证明这一点。最后,本研究使用的数据是在2012年学费上涨之前收集的(Wilkins, Shams, & Husiman, 2013, p. 129)。学生们意识到学费的上涨,但在当时这并不是他们真正的决定因素。如果能在本次研究数据收集的同一所高校进行后续研究,通过问卷调查和小组讨论的方式,随着时间的推移,对学生的意见和选择模式进行比较和对比,将是非常有帮助的。
In conclusion, the rise of tuition fees in England has altered the ways in which students choose to enter HE and if so, which HEIs. Wilkins, Shams, and Husiman mention that this study is not intended for policy reform (p. 137); however, it calls attention to the pressures placed on students in determining to enter HEIs and brings awareness to the major factors of student choice. An important consideration for restructuring this study is incorporating a mixed methods approach, by utilizing qualitative and quantitative methods. Without the necessary qualitative data, there is no authentic way to determine why students are choosing a certain HEI. If Wilkins, Shams, and Husiman used an interpretive paradigm and observations from the discussion groups to investigate the issues on the increase tuition fees it would create a more holistic picture of the student experience and behaviors with statistical data to prove the point. Lastly, the data used in this study was gathered before the increase in fees in 2012 (Wilkins, Shams, & Husiman, 2013, p. 129). Students were aware of the fee increase but it was not a real determining factor for them at that point in time. It would be most helpful to have a follow-up study at the same colleges from which the data for this study was collected, using the questionnaires, and group discussion in order to compare and contrast student opinions and choice patterns overtime.