
到2021年,“北方动力”投资基金(NPIF)将额外提供11亿英镑的新资金,以缓解交通拥堵,届时将对当地道路和公共交通网络进行急需的升级。据贝尔法斯特市议会准备的一份文件显示,未来将对前往贝尔法斯特的司机征收拥堵费。提交给议会财政部门的文件指出,最近在伦敦实施的拥堵收费和在达勒姆实施的道路收费取得了成功。该委员会向公众表示,地方政府应该从任何税收中受益。然而,拉恩和利斯伯恩委员会告诉该部门,他们认为这一想法的结果是公众无法接受的。财政部正在审查利率可能的变动。在伦敦金融城(city of London),通过征收拥堵费而获得的所有收入,最终都将重新投资于该市的交通系统。伦敦交通局(Transport for London)的一份报告刚刚发现,该地区的拥堵程度将比2002年实施该计划前平均低26%。现在,把你的车开到伦敦市中心当天要花10英镑,如果你提前付款的话,要花8英镑。如果这些拥堵费在贝尔法斯特地区实施,可能会让人们不再去贝尔法斯特购物。这对乐购造成了影响,因为很多乐购的顾客都喜欢为了方便自己开车去商店。这可能会阻止他们的顾客光顾贝尔法斯特的乐购商店,这将对该公司的销售和每天的总收入产生显著的负面影响。乐购可能会对政府的这一政策做出反应,利用激励措施鼓励顾客光顾此类商店。例如,在顾客需要支付拥堵费才能到达的商店提供优惠或打折优惠券。
The Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund (NPIF) will provide an additional £1.1 billion by 2021 in new funding to relieve congestion and will then be delivering much needed upgrades on local roads and public transport networks. Congestion charges could be introduced for motorists which are travelling into Belfast in the future, this is according to a document which was prepared by the city council. Its submission to the assembly’s finance department was pointed to the success of the recent congestion charging which is in London and the road pricing in Durham. The council has said to the public that the local authorities should benefit from any revenue. However, Larne and Lisburn councils told the department that they believe this idea is unacceptable to the public as a result. The Department of Finance is reviewing possible changes to rates. In the city of London, all revenue raised by congestion charging will be re-invested back into the city’s transport system as a result. A Transport for London report has just found out that congestion levels in the zone are to be on an average 26% lower than in 2002 before the scheme had been implemented. It will now be costing £10 to bring your car into central London on the day, or £8 if you pay ahead. If these congestion charges were implemented into the Belfast area, it may turn people off going to Belfast and shopping in Belfast. This impacts on Tesco as many of their customers like to travel to stores via their own cars for their own convenience. This may deter their customers from visiting Tesco stores in Belfast and this will have a significantly negative impact on the company’s sales and overall revenue that it gathers each day. Tesco may react to this government policy by using incentives for customers to visit such stores. For example, offers or money-off coupons in stores where customers would have paid congestion charges to get to.