
Our policymakers visualized the education system as a chief agent for bringing change and overall development, hence government of India undertook massive expansion of education- particularly higher education- by setting up new universities, Indian institutes of technology (IITs), Agriculture and Medical Colleges, Indian Institutes of Managements(IIMs), and autonomous institutes for research in science and technology across the country within a couple of decades of attaining national independence. The objective was, as enshrined in the constitution of India, to transform India into a modern egalitarian society.At present, India possesses a highly developed higher education system which offers facility of education and training in almost all aspects of human creative and intellectual endeavors: arts and humanities; natural, mathematical and social sciences, engineering; medicine; dentistry; agriculture; education; law; commerce and management; music and performing arts; national and foreign languages; culture; communications etc.In its size and diversity, India has the third largest higher education system in the world, next only to China and the United States. The following table depicts the growth of higher education in India since independence.