
语言在政治权力的投射中起着至关重要的作用(Foucault in Pitsoe and Letseka,2012)。除了作为一种交流工具,它还作为一种投射力量的工具(Bordieu,1977),向观众描绘特定的形象,并将公众的注意力转向特定的事情(Behr、Iyengar和Cohen引用于Sirin和Villalobos,2018)。此外,语言可以成为权力实现其所谓“持有常识”的工具(Jones and Wareing,1999年,第34页),从而在公众自愿将其视为共同原则体系一部分的范围内传达某种意识形态,费尔克劳夫称之为“制造同意”(2001年,第3页)。唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)已经是一位备受争议的公众人物,自上任伊始,就以其富有争议的言论而闻名。他的就职演说显示了他前任的“修辞裂痕”(Sirin和Villalobos,2018年)的初步迹象,他的积极言论与特朗普的消极和尖锐言论有很大不同。尽管看到特朗普以不名誉的方式明确地对其他国家讲话并不罕见(Watkins和Phillip,2018年),尽管如此冷战以来美朝关系紧张(IBP US a,2005),新的沟通方式,加上美国新总统对公众关注的偏好等因素,围绕国际安全等风险问题产生了拉锯战局面。因此,本文的目的是通过话语分析来分析美朝互动中权力的投射。
Language has an essential role in the projection of political power (Foucault in Pitsoe and Letseka, 2012). Besides being an instrument for communication, it also serves as a tool for projecting power, (Bordieu, 1977), portraying certain image to the audience and turning the public’s attention to particular matters (Behr, Iyengar and Cohen cited in Sirin and Villalobos, 2018). Also, language can be a tool for power to realize what it is known as the ‘holding of common sense’ (Jones and Wareing, 1999, p. 34), so as to convey certain ideology to the extent of it being voluntarily considered by the public as part of shared system of principles, what Fairclough calls ‘the manufacture of consent’ (2001, p. 3). Already a controversial public figure, Donald Trump, since the very beginning of his mandate, has been known for his contentious discourse. His inaugural speech showed the first signs of the ‘rhetorical rift’ (Sirin and Villalobos, 2018) from his predecessor, whose positive rhetoric greatly differs from Trump’s negative and sharp statements.Even though it is not rare seeing Trump explicitly addressing other countries in a discrediting way (Watkins and Phillip, 2018) and despite the fact that US-North Korean relations have been tense since the Cold War (IBP USA, 2005), new forms of communication, combined with the new US president’s fondness of public attention, among other factors, have generated a tug-of-war situation around such risky issues as international security. The aim of this essay, thus, is to analyse how power is being projected in US-North Korea interactions through discourse analysis.