
Unlike Myanmar and Iraq, there are no specified programs regarding these issues. There are some visible programs but it was inefficient in combating the corruption which is commonly committed by higher officials of the government. The members of the population, who recognize the importance of integrity and values, if they have not internalized this as central part of their value system and repertoire, may be in the minority at the present time, but they are there. The success of Singaporean working in organizations is one indication, as is the operation of such enclaves as the main factor for their economic success and unrivalled progress in Asia. What seems to be called for is the leadership and support that they need at the same time that efforts are made to increase their progressions. An effective leadership system that will promote progress and economic sustainability will be a great help, but so will more direct action at inculcating the appropriate values itself .The ethical dimension of corruption activity does not consist simply of constraining rules and minimal standards, and certainly no simply of and legally enforceable rules and standards. In the first place, many principles and standards are not legally enforceable but are nevertheless highly ethically desirable. Anti-corruption system is one of the ways to lessen these deleterious activities. Anti-corruption system can be thought of as being both predominantly reactive and predominantly preventive. Naturally, the distinction is somewhat artificial, since there is a need for both reactive elements, for example, investigation and adjuration, as well as preventive elements, for example ethic training and transparency, and an adequate ant-corruption system. At any rate, there is a proposed to concise anti-corruption system under two broad headings, the reactive and preventive approaches. There are also subheadings in these approaches; promoting ethical behavior, corporate governance and prerogative and transparency