美国爱荷华商科代写 工业时代
Keywords:美国爱荷华商科代写 工业时代

工业时代可以说是人类历史上最具革命性和最重要的时代之一,它是如何违背当时的社会而进入我们今天所知的社会的。工业革命导致了许多新的创造和发明,工厂和重型机械的使用最终导致了更快的生产率和一种新的社会形态,在这种社会形态中,生产和制造物品的方式发生了变化。后工业时代是一个不同于工业时代的时代,是一个大规模的发展。比如城市景观的变化,工业城市多伦多在富人和穷人的居住地划分上比工业时代更加隔离,以及商业区和住宅区在不同地区的分布。另一个巨大的变化是通过有轨电车的交通方式,这是一个可能的方式通过城市的所有类型的阶级。由于有轨电车等技术的进步,城市面貌发生了变化,多伦多就是一个很好的例子。加拿大的后工业时代是一场巨大的变革,它在社会内部产生了许多努力,更重要的是,它为社会的劳动人民创造了许多机会。男工人显然是1870 -1920年间经历悲惨和有害经历的人之一。由于生活质量对生活在贫民窟的男人来说是无法接受的,以及劳动力的恶劣条件,同时也看到了工作场所的生活水平是如此之低,以至于男人只能得到微薄的工资。
美国爱荷华商科代写 工业时代
The industrial era is arguably one of the most revolutionary and essential times in human history, as to how it transgressed the society back then to the community in which we ultimately know today. The industrial revolution led to many new creations and inventions, the use of factories and heavy machinery conclusively led to a faster production rate and a new form of society in which transformed the way objects are produced and made. The Post- Industrial era was a different time and massive evolution from the industrial age. Things such as the changing landscape of cities, in which industrial Toronto was much more segregated than during the industrial period in how the rich and the poor were divided in where they live and also how business districts and residential communities were in different areas. Another huge transformation is the ways of transportation through the streetcar, which was a possible way of going through the city for all types of classes. Toronto serves as an excellent example of the change in landscape due to technological advances such as streetcars. Post- Industrial Era in Canada was a tremendous transformation in which created many endeavours within society and more importantly towards the working men of society. The male worker was explicitly one of the people who had a miserable and harmful experience throughout the times of 1870 -1920. Due to reasons of how the quality of life was unacceptable for the men living in slums and the horrid conditions within the workforce, while also looking how the standards of living were so poor within the workplace as men would receive meagre wages.