美国爱荷华论文代写 移民和难民
Keywords:美国爱荷华论文代写 移民和难民

美国爱荷华论文代写 移民和难民
During that time, I faced challenges so familiar to other immigrants and refugees in this country, as they try to establish and resettle their lives here, such as learning a new language, adjusting to a different culture, understanding social norms and and experiencing a cultural shock. As I mentioned before, my first job was working as a parking attendant in NYC, a low-paid type of job, and to get things even worse I was victim of a robbery in my first month working in that place. I remember thinking about giving up and returning to my native country, but at the same time doing this was something that would put more financial burdening in me and my family and could be perceived as a personal failure, at least these were my thoughts at that time, so I decided to stay and proceed with my life. In the following years, my family and I started to attend a Brazilian Baptist Church in Queens, with the intention of become more socially integrated and to practice our faith. After a while I was invited to serve in that organization and consequently, I attended a 3-years Theological Biblical Studies in a Christian Seminar in NYC. After graduating in Theology, I was admitted as part of their personal staff, mostly working in the administrative department and at the same time providing social support to families of new immigrants.On 2005, my family and I moved to Florida, and I finally had the opportunity to return to my studies. I did an associate degree in Psychology at Broward College, a bachelor’s in psychology in FAU, then a master’s in industrial/Organizational Psychology with Grand Canyon University and currently I am doing a Masters in Mental Health Counseling at Carlos Albizu University. During these years, I had the opportunity of working in so many jobs, such as parking attendant and , administrative officer/advisor in NYC, truck driver in New Jersey, and finally Clinical Counselor/Therapist in Florida.