美国市场学作业代写 捆绑定价
Keywords:美国市场学作业代写 捆绑定价

促销定价类似于捆绑定价,但这里将商品放在一起是为了让客户第一次使用捆绑的商品。购买一种产品,免费获得一种新产品,这就是这种定价的重点。移动旧的供应以及提高品牌知名度,也可以使用促销定价。根据Bhasin(2018)的说法,“品牌意识实际上是让消费者了解特定的品牌或产品。在我们生活的世界里,人们往往倾向于品牌产品,因此在人们心目中,某个特定品牌的可用性和存在性非常重要。大多数人至少听说过并认可这个品牌,这一点至关重要,因为它可以证明是公司的一项资产。”需要记住的一点是,促销是短期的,因此促销定价旨在通过提供比常规标价更有吸引力的条款,暂时增加公司的销售。不同于差异化定价,差异化定价是指同一商品在不同的情况下给出不同的价格。大多数人都熟悉机场和昂贵的度假胜地的最后一分钟门票的便宜。差异化定价的目标是通过两种方式中的一种获得更高的利润。好消息是,促销价格对所有客户开放,除非有可行的豁免,因为需要更好的信用状况提供信用检查。然而,促销价格和差异化价格提出了同样的问题:每笔额外销售的价值是否高于降价利润?为了回答这个关键问题,公司不断地测试他们的促销价格。根据Gray, Thomas(2012),“他们为一小部分市场或产品引入它,宣传它,跟踪额外的销售,并评估是否有任何利润的提高,折扣。在测试时,同样要注意:一定要宣传推广;一定要完全跟踪它,并试图确定客户是否会以原价购买。
美国市场学作业代写 捆绑定价
Promotional pricing is similar to bundling price, however, here the merchandise are put together so as to make the client use the bundled merchandise for the first time. To buy one product and get a new kind of product for free is what this kind of pricing concentrates on. Moving old supply as well as to increase brand awareness is something that promotional pricing can also be used for. According to Bhasin (2018), “Brand awareness is actually making the consumer acquainted about a particular brand or product. The availability and existence of a specific brand in the minds of people is very important as we live in a world where people have a tendency to lean towards branded products. It has become vital that most people have at least heard about the brand and recognize it as it can prove to be an asset for the company”.One thing to remember is that promotions are short term, therefore promotion pricing is intended to offer a temporary increase in the company’s sales by presenting more appealing terms than the regular list prices. Unlike differentiated pricing, which means that different prices for the same item is given in different circumstances. Most people are familiar with cheaper prices for las minute tickets at airports and expensive resorts. To earn greater margins in one out of two possible ways is the goal of differentiated pricing.The good thing is that promotional prices are open to all customers, unless there is a feasible exemption due to a credit check for an offer requiring better credit status. Nevertheless, promotional and differentiated prices posed the same question: is the extra sales valued more than the cut-price margin per sale? Companies continually test their promotion pricing in order to answer this key question. According to Gray, Thomas (2012), “They introduce it for a narrow slice of the market or products, publicize it, track the additional sales, and assess whether any profit improvement resulted from the discount. When testing, the same cautions apply: be sure to publicize the promotion; be sure to track it fully, and try to determine whether the customer would have bought anyway at the original price”.