
In my opinion, to develop a very strong sense of kinesthetic intelligence is needed to being with, because it is important for the students to grasp the concept and be able to relate very closely both mind and body in their dancing endeavors. This can be brought about by training our focus on the process in dance education whereby the 3 streams of artistic, aesthetic and cultural appreciation of dance culminate to provide a meaningful learning context. In addition, I feel it is important that we include the element of facilitating the learning of dance through other academic disciplines and life skills. This in turn makes the whole experience of dance education doubly meaningful because it enables the students to draw upon their own personal experiences and bring these into developing their own unique identities and thinking in dance. Furthermore, it is also important not to forget to include the essential technical aspects of dance such as the discovery of rhythm, space, direction, effort, dynamics, locomotor, and movement motifs and combine these with the non-locomotor aspects of dance such as expression, representation and performance to create a wholistic learning environment for the students. Moreover, it is important to integrate knowledge and cognitive intelligence together with bodily and kinesthetic intelligence so that the students come to realize that dance as a form of art is not just about mere superficial technical brilliance and aesthetic beauty and that there is far more to it than meets the eye.