
鉴于信心学校争论涉及政治和宗教方面的教育,这可能是一个冷静的人。大部分的争论是意见而不是循证(库什p.440)在这一问题上一再哀叹作家缺乏实证证据证实任何一方的索赔。随着穆斯林越来越意识到自己的少数民族地位,伊斯兰学校的驱动力与其说是对他们身份的攻击,不如说是对教育风气的回应。根据赫夫纳和Zaman(2007,p. 228)“近年来,伊斯兰教育的问题一直是什么意思今天是英国穆斯林和身份的谈判的重要地形的辩论的一个重要组成部分,公民和共存。“主流教育倾向于认为世界虽然英撒克逊镜头和成就是欧化。几个世纪以来,穆斯林学者在许多学科领域作出的贡献是对自尊的促进,而那些要求穆斯林学校的人正在寻求改变人们看待世界的方式。它努力[的]在一个安全的环境,通过知识和伊斯兰古兰经和圣训应用提供最好的教育的伊斯兰信托学校国家的使命。”(伊斯兰)这需要一种反思的方式,任何学科都可以教,因为它必须通过谈判古兰经和圣训。问题是在于穆斯林孩子成为de Islamised(Khan Cheema,p.83)和主流学校未能提供一种精神的,不仅仅是世俗的,一个孩子的生活方面的照顾。对女童主流缺乏单一性别规定的关切也被表示为需要提供穆斯林学校的关切和理由。在主流学校的巴基斯坦人的学业成就是公认的,但他们的宗教学校的成绩远远高于平均水平(Bolton,2009)。将学术成果与信仰学校的直接联系应谨慎对待,因为学习成绩也与家庭的经济和社会阶层有关。
Given the faith school debate touches on areas of education, politics and religion it is unlikely to be a dispassionate one. Most of the debate is opinion- rather than evidence-based (Cush p.440) and writers on the issue repeatedly bemoan the lack of empirical evidence to substantiate claims from either side. As Muslims are becoming acutely aware of their minority status, the drive towards Islamic schools is as much a response to the attack on their identity as it is about the ethos of education. According to Heffner and Zaman (2007, p. 228) "In recent years, the issue of Islamic education has been a vital part of the debate about what it means to be a British Muslim today and an important terrain in the negotiation of identity, citizenship and co-existence."Mainstream education tends to view the world though an Anglo-Saxon lens and achievements are Europeanised. The study of the contributions made by Muslim scholars over the centuries in many subject areas is a boost to self-esteem and those calling for Muslim schools are looking for a change in the way the world is viewed. The mission statement of the Islamia Trust Schools states that it "strive[s] to provide the best education in a secure Islamic environment through the knowledge and application of the Qur'an and Sunnah." (Islamia) What this requires is a reconception of the way in which any subject can be taught, negotiating as it must through the Qur'an and the Sunnah. The argument being made is that Muslim children are becoming de-Islamised (Khan-Cheema, p.83) and that mainstream schools are failing to provide an ethos in which all, not just secular, aspects of a child's life are catered for. Concern for the lack of single sex provision in the mainstream for girls is also voiced as a concern and a reason for requiring the provision of Muslim schools. The academic underachievement of Pakistanis in mainstream schools is well recognised, but their achievement in faith schools is well above average (Bolton, 2009). The direct connection linking improved academic results and faith schools should be made cautiously as academic achievement is also liked to the economic and social class of the family.