
我们为SJK (T) RRI的标准四名学生做了工作表。我们做的工作表是第六单元到第十单元。第六单元是告诉我一个故事,第七单元是安全的,第八单元是节约,明智地花钱。第九单元是其他国家的故事最后是第十单元我们来庆祝一下。我们的问题基于英语四年级教材和其他相关资源,如练习册和教育报纸。工作表由三个层次组成。第一个层次是高英语水平(HEP),符号是一个三角形。第二等级为平均英语水平(AEP),符号为正方形。第三级是低英语水平(LEP),这是一个循环。我们尽力拿出适合所有学生回答的工作表。所有的工作表都有自己的答题卡。这是为了让老师知道答案。每个单元有不同数量的问题和章节。这是因为;每个单元都有自己的问题类型。一个问题是一个标记。工作表包括多项选择题(mcq),填空,重排和重写句子,写句子。除了写作之外,我们还要考虑阅读、听力和口语等技能。这样,学生们就可以在将来的考试中取得进步并取得好成绩。从试算表中可以看出,有些学生能够完成作业,但大部分学生需要老师的指导。他们喜欢多选题,因为他们只需要圈出答案而不是自己写答案。这些工作表可以帮助他们,因为它是他们练习的一种形式。
We did the worksheets for the Standard Four pupils in SJK (T) RRI. The worksheets that we did are Unit Six to Unit Ten. Unit Six is Tell Me A Story, Unit Seven is Be Safe and Unit Eight is Save, Spend Wisely. Unit Nine which is Stories from other lands and lastly Unit Ten is Let’s Celebrate. We based our questions on the English Year 4 textbook and other relevant resources such as workbooks and educational newspapers. The worksheets consist of three levels. The first level would be the High English Proficiency (HEP) and the symbol would be a triangle. Second level would be Average English Proficiency (AEP) and the symbol represented it would be square. The third level is Low English Proficiency (LEP) which is a circle. We tried our level best to come out with worksheets which are suitable for all the students to answer. All the worksheets given have its’ own answer sheets as well. This is to enable teachers to know the answers.There are different number of questions and sections in each unit. This is because; every unit has its own types of questions that can be formed. One question will be one mark. The worksheets consist of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), fill in the blanks, rearrange and rewrite the sentences and write sentences. We also take into account skills such as reading, listening and speaking into our worksheets besides just writing. By this, students can improve and do well in their future test or examinations. From the trial worksheet, some students are capable of completing the worksheet, but most of them need guidance from the teacher. They like the multiple choice questions because they just need to circle the answer instead of writing the answer by themselves. These worksheets can help them because it is a form of practising for them.