美国马里兰论文代写 特殊的需要
Keywords:美国马里兰论文代写 特殊的需要

美国马里兰论文代写 特殊的需要
I currently work in a special need school with children with all stages of ability and also have worked in a mainstream school with children with special need was removed from the testing as they the school was worried that the children’s grade would have a huge impact on the school overall score, which I feel that has a major impact on the individuals in some cases the children are made to sit the test when they don’t have the ability or ready for the test which put a lot of stress on the child causing children to become stressed, depressed, have anxiety and even panic attacks to pass the test. The teachers also have a lot of pressure to ensure the children pass the test and get the grade they need for the school to pass. “The national curriculum test undertaken by thousands of primary school children across the country each year, is producing unreliable data causing some pupils to be incorrectly labelled as low ability, and others to go on to secondary school with unrealistically high grades”. (Getty) We recently had a child join my class with very unrealistic data saying he couldn’t do half the things that he can do due to the testing with was carried out on him before coming to our school. So was put with the low ability children which were the wrong area for him which led to lots of behaviour issue as he wasn’t being challenged with the work he was being set.I feel that they test are unnecessary and could be tested in another way to prevent the stress for the young children. Some country doesn’t test their children or give coursework but has the best pass rate within the country I feel this is because the children are less likely to develop mental illnesses at young ages and able to cope with the work they are given.
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