
Hence, I would like to suggest that what is immediately at stake in this issue is that the affinity of primary health care and underdeveloped countries demands an account of primary health care that will situate the latter’s role within the problematic of an underdeveloped country. Therefore, what is necessary is a satisfactory definition of what constitutes the scope of primary health care. This calls for an evaluation of the academic literature on the subject, and the forwarding of a coherent argument for a consensus on possible definitions of primary health care. In this paper, we shall use the Alma-Ata Declaration of 1978 as an international standard for primary health care, according to its acceptance by the International Community and its ambitious international scope (see Section 2.0) Using this declaration, we shall then apply it to the concerns brought about by a World Health Organization Study on the underdeveloped nation of India. We shall recapitulate the above analyses and its key features, coupled with an overview of the impasses that are to be found in the realization of successful primary health care, hence offering a cursory retrospective look at possible ways out of this impasse through the contemplation of these various points of tension in the relation between primary health care and underdeveloped nations.