
全民教育,否则称为该报告被发表在1985。工党政府在种族关系及移民专责委员会的要求下,已于八年前委任该法。在兰普顿报告中期报告,几乎全部集中在一个特定的问题,西印度儿童教育成就,发表在1981。在调试的时候,教育大臣Shirley Williams,尽管她已同意成立该委员会,任命Anthony Rampton为主席,这是她的继任者Mark Carlisle在新当选的保守党政府任命的委员会成员和决定最终的职权。[ 2 ]通过其出版物在1985次报告晚点两年。[ 3 ]双方的书面报告,在一个漫长的收集信息的过程,从广泛的个人和组织,从一月的1980例–,委员会花了100天时间参观各类学校遍布全国.
Education For All, otherwise known as the Swann Report was eventually published in 1985. It had been commissioned eight years earlier by the Labour Government at the request of the Select Committee on Race Relations and Immigration. The Rampton Report was an interim report, focussing almost exclusively on one particular issue, the educational underachievement of West Indian children, was published in 1981. the Secretary of State for Education at the time of commissioning was Shirley Williams, yet while she had agreed to the establishment of the committee and appointed Anthony Rampton as its chair, it was her successor Mark Carlisle in the newly elected Conservative government that appointed committee members and decided ultimately on the terms of reference.[2] By the time of its publication in 1985 the report was two years behind schedule.[3]Both reports were written following a lengthy process of gathering information from a wide range of individual and organisations – for example from January 1980, the committee spent 100 days visiting various schools throughout the country