
In addition, the theories of national culture do not differentiate between different sexes in a particular culture. Taking into consideration the guidance from the model, all the Chinese people practiced feminine value as the care more about quality of life rather than the accomplishment of hard and fast targets while the UK that has scored high in terms of masculine value suggests that all the people in the country are more inclined towards masculine value including accomplishment of organization's goals and rather than focusing attentions on caring for employee's well-being and quality of life (McSweeney, 2002). This could be a general belief, however this tremendously vary within a country from one sex to another sex as female within a country whether its UK or China are more inclined towards practicing feminine values and male whether they are in UK or China are more inclined towards practicing masculine values.
All this in turn imply that the dimensions that has been generalized are essentially stereotypes rather than hard and fast fact because essentially most of the factors that Hofstede and other have identified in their theories are factors that vary from person to person, and individuals although belonging to the same country may be classified as completely different on different dimensions. This is because individuals have different nature and due to their different natures they prefer different factors. For example, an individual with laid back personality although belonging to UK may prefer an organization that follow centralize decision making and an individual that belong to China who have the creative and innovative nature may prefer an organization having decentralized decision making.