Other symbols of a form of 'middle class' value system could be interpreted through the forms of rural representation. Whilst they claim to have rural values at heart, with some these rural values are clearly based on the countryside as a living space based on non-traditional rural economies. This is not to negate their importance, but to recognise the different foundations that can lead to specific outcomes. One example could be organisations such as the Countryside Alliance or Countryside Agency. Whilst both espouse specific rural values, the fact that they exist in the format they do (e.g. using literate, articulate, pro-social and group based action) could be said to indicate a strong middle class influence. At the same time, there is perhaps a marginalisation of the 'voices' that would originally be considered rural. For example, it has been said that farmers find it hard to combat a politically urban hegemony, or dominant discourse, and find that very stereotype that should empower them actually renders them powerless. The Ramblers Association is often used to express this incompatability of values, especially as the farmer is liable should the walker injure themself on the farmers’s property. This perspective places farmers as having to react to, rather than lead, many aspects of community development. For example, the following quote from the NFU combines attitudes towards rural Britain and the economics of a productive unit - thereby perhaps trying to appease two camps.